Pakcoin on Waves Blockchain

We are pleased to announce that Pakcoin can now be traded and transferred on Waves blockchain. Please note that Pakcoin’s Asset ID on Waves blockchain is 3weMdTUEGYar3fM2CujPL7nxxmwHn4uus51PVUkJwRNg . is the official exchange and wallet of the Waves blockchain. You can also download their mobile application to use their services. You can buy bitcoins using your credit / debit card as well, so that is exciting feature for pakcoin users as well because now you can eventually buy pakcoins using you bank card via waves exchange platform.

How to transfer Pakcoins to Waves blockchain

Right now, you will be able to transfer pakcoins only from and Staklet to waves blockchain. The process is just same as you do with pakcoin transfers, You just need to paste your waves address in the address box at ewallet or staklet and click send. You need to create a account first to get your waves address.

Please note that Native wallets don’t have ability to send or receive pakcoins directly to or from waves blockchain.

How to transfer Pakcoins from waves blockchain

When you want to transfer pakcoins from Waves wallet to Pakcoin wallet, you need to send your pakcoins in Waves wallet by this procedure:

  1. Click Send
  2. Select Asset as Pakcoin
  3. Write pakcoinblockchain in Recepient
  4. Write amount
  5. Paste your pakcoin blockchain address in description
  6. Choose Pakcoin as fee
  7. Click Send

You will receive your pakcoins in your pakcoin blockchain address, please be patient as the withdrawal from waves blockchain are not instant.